
Showing posts from February, 2018

Blogsy ,, The Best Blogging App For iOS

     Today we'll talk about (( Blogsy )) ,,The Best Blogging App For iOS ,, First thing You should know  how to setup this up and all the different fantastic features that it offers it's a free application that you can download from the App Store unfortunately there's nothing blogs it doesn't that cater for Windows or Android as of yet but hopefully they will be because there's such a fantastic application . Anyway let's get into it okay now this thing that's just popped up here saying pops photo uploader I'll go through that in a little bit later on but this is a quite a fundamental part to this whole blocks you setup okay .      So the first time that you get blocks a and I you go to setup you'll have to start putting in there the information of the blog the coupon of yours so I'll take you through that first and foremost so if you look down at the bottom right hand corner here you've got a little cog you click on the COG a...