Blogsy ,, The Best Blogging App For iOS

     Today we'll talk about (( Blogsy )) ,,The Best Blogging App For iOS ,, First thing You should know  how to setup this up and all the different fantastic features that it offers it's a free application that you can download from the App Store unfortunately there's nothing blogs it doesn't that cater for Windows or Android as of yet but hopefully they will be because there's such a fantastic application .
Anyway let's get into it okay now this thing that's just popped up here saying pops photo uploader I'll go through that in a little bit later on but this is a quite a fundamental part to this whole blocks you setup okay .

     So the first time that you get blocks a and I you go to setup you'll have to start putting in there the information of the blog the coupon of yours so I'll take you through that first and foremost so if you look down at the bottom right hand corner here you've got a little cog you click on the COG and you go up to your surface sentence and as you can see here Block C caters for so many different platforms WordPress blogger TypePad jumo Drupal tumblr Squarespace .
Now I I've already input all my wordpress blogs and all my blogger accounts if you've got a blood if you've got a a Google account like a gmail account or something like that then you've got a free blog blogger account and all you've got a day to add a new blog for blogger is click on there put in your Google details and then you're good to go for WordPress it's equally as simple .

 If you're a self-hosted WordPress or youare using select that which one of those done at the bottom put in your URL if the blog the username and password that you used to get into the admin section of your blog and then blogs you will go and find all the the pages and categories and posts that are already on your blog and bring them into the application as you can see here creators for Squarespace as well - Squarespace is another fantastic content management system for people to use - you create websites and blogs ,, tumblr is another one I've got my tumblr accounts on here it's it's exactly the same thing you add - I mean you tumblr account click on it put in your tumblr details .
Once you've got all your blog's set up then you're good to go you're ready to start creating posts or pages or whatever it is you want to create on your blog this is what whenever you first get into this is you're given this there's loads of information on here of hard to use it and what each thing means and all the rest of it ,, So those come with really good information in terms of using it as you can see up at the top here you've got the usual layouts that you would have on a word processor if you wanted to so if you wanted .

How to Create a New Blog and New Post  ?

To create a new blog you just click on the plus on the top right hand corner I'm sorry not new blog new post create new post and it gives you this blank canvas now the really good thing about this is if you're really familiar with the HTML and you'd rather do this whole thing in the HTML down at the bottom right hand corner with a little cog is there's two little arrows there ,, if you click on those you'll be able to do the whole thing in its DML and it gives you a little bit more control over it and some people prefer it that way some people don't for now I'm just going to use this busy wait format now up in the top left hand corner there's another little cog here with a pen if you select that this is the all the information that you need for putting it in your post together so at the top here you select which blog it is that you're gonna write this post for so all the blogs that you've entered in there will come up here oh you want to put in your title and published in you can have the publishing straightaway as soon as you finish the blog or you can just do it your scheduler for a different time post type .

You know if you go to just create a post or an article and just keep it at that or if you want to create a brand new page on your blog you can do so the status is well like the pants once you finish that if you want to publish it immediately you can do ,, so if not if you want to keep it as a pendant or a draft then select that categories this is going to select it's going to pull in all the categories it's already on your blog and all you've got to do then from that point on is select whatever categories you want to use click guard and then go back and as you can see they're in the category section the two categories I chose are their tags you can either all your tags there as well and that this the reason why it's loading is because it's looking for all the current tags so that I've already placed on that particular blog so that's why it's taking a little bit of time comments either a lie or you don't delight but obviously that's entirely up to yourself visibility public post format and slow canned stuff . 


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